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9 Days Climbing Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
Rongai route in 6 days

Tour Overview

The Rongai Route is particularly popular among experienced climbers

It is the only route to the summit of Kilimanjaro that begins on the northern part, near the Kenyan border. It’s windier and drier on the northern side of the mountain.


Upon your arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, our driver will transfer you to the hotel. Settle in and take time to relax while enjoy African atmosphere. It is possible to book an extra day of rest prior to start of the climb, to give you ample time to acclimatize and recover from the flight. This extra day increases your chances of reaching the summit.

This is the beginning of your Kilimanjaro climb! This morning you drive about 2 hours to the Rongai Gate, near the Kenyan border. After registering at the gate, your ascent begins to the mighty roof of Africa! On the first day you hike through beautiful lush forests where you can hear lots of animal noises and maybe spot the rare colobus monkey. You will take a lunch break before you continue to the first camp. Rongai route runs through the less forested north side of the mountain. It is one of the quietest routes on Kilimanjaro and is considered by many to be the best route for viewing lots of wildlife.

on the second day you will reach the Kilimanjaro heath. During the day you can already see the first mountain peak of Kilimanjaro, called Mawenzi, in the distance. In the morning the climb becomes very steep and you will start to feel the altitude. After a while you will arrive at the first cave where you can stop for a while to rest or to explore the cave and the surrounding area. Lunch is often taken in the second cave. The afternoon is a little quieter and the climc is less steep. You will then hike towards the camp in a sheltered valley near Kikelewa or towards the third cave. Today you hike for about 5-6 hours.

Today you will take a brisk hike in the morning in order to have time to rest in the afternoon and evening. This gives your body a chance to get used to the altitude. Today’s hike is relatively short, but very steep. Fortunately, the climb is well worth it as you will be rewarded with lots of breathtaking views and a great feeling as you gaze out at the wilderness of Tanzania. The hike continues to Mawenzi Tarn, where you will also spend the night. The Mawenzi Tarn is located below the Mawenzi summit. From here you have a wonderful view of the two famous mountain peaks of Kilimanjaro, Mawenzi and Kibo.

A beautiful lunar landscape is crossed today, after which the ascent to the higher camp is continued. The Kibo Camp is located directly below Kibo summit, from where you can enjoy a spectacular view of the Kenyan plain. Here you can also see Mawanzi and the path very well. After lunch you can rest and regain your strength because the next day you will do the summit push to the peak of Kilimanjaro!

at midnight you start the summit push to the so-called Uhuru Peak, the highest point in Africa! You will use your flashlight until sunrise. The biggest challenge lies in the first part of this climb. For every 2 climbers there is 1 personal guide. He will keep a close eye on the physical and mental condition of the climbers. After a steep climb you will reach Gilman’s Point. From here, Uhuru Peak is not far and relatively easy to reach. Once at the top you can enjoy a beautiful sunrise, which is very impressive at this height! After a small party at the summit, you return to the Kibo huts before having dinner and then you continue your descent to Horombo huts for your overnight stay. In total, you’ll be hiking for around 12 hours today, so prepare yourself for a tough day! When descending, be careful where you are stepping to avoid injury.

Today you continue your descend to the exit of Kilimanjaro National Park, the Marangu Gate. This is a delightful five to six hour walk through the beautiful forests of Kilimanjaro. After the descent, the whole group comes together to congratulate each other and your driver will bring you back to your hotel, where you can recover from the rigors of the climb.

Today you can relax at the lodge or explore the surrounding area. You can choose to extend your journey with a beautiful Tanzania Safari. Another option is to relax on the tropical Zanzibar Island or one of the other exotic beach destinations Pemba Island and Mafia Island. If you choose to go home after your Kilimanjaro trek, you will fly back home on day 9.



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